Tuesday, August 4, 2009

John XXIII/Cardinal Roncalli (b/w-batch)

As nuncio / patriarch /cardinal:

As Pope:

With Cardinal Suenens (Belgium)

With Cardinal Wyszyński (Poland)

With Cardinal Panico (Italy)

On the sedia

The baciamano

The camauro


  1. If he only knew.....

  2. Thank God you're back Leo...

    Imagine seeing Roncalli in an ample chasuble (Notre Dame 1949)!

  3. Michael!
    I'm not really back yet, just posting every now and then during the study-break. Blog will be up to full throttle again early to mid October!

  4. What in the heck is the striped thing he's wearing in the second picture from the bottom of the "on the sedia" sequence?

    I HATE striped vestments, and thought they only came into existence with John Paul II and that Belgian vestment maker whose name always escapes me.

  5. Lovely pictures, Leo! Thanks! Robbert

  6. Fr Greg: The "striped thing" is the papal fanon, which is a vestment worn only by the Pope during Solemn High Mass. It resembles a shoulder cape with stripes and is worn over the chasuble. While no longer an obligatory part of papal vesture, the fanon was never abolished. Evidence of the use of the fanon goes back until the 8th century, so there's one striped vestment that was used already way before JPII and the Belgian dude.

  7. In the first picure next to Roncalli, that has to be the then titular Archbishop of Mesembria, H.E. Mons. Oddi, later cardinal, if I'm not mistaken?

  8. Should have punched Cardinal Suenes in the face for what that one did at the council and after. Belgium is a wasteland of paganism because he got the ball rolling.

  9. The second and third pictures from the very top strikes me as something odd. His Eminence (since he was till a Cardinal then) was wearing Choir Dress(Choir Cassock, Tufted Fascia, Mantelletta, Mozzetta, Pectoral Cross, Skull Cap and Biretta) but why is it that he isn't wearing a Rochet?

    By the way, the Galero on the table looks spectacular!

  10. Leo, u rule!

    Nice second from the top pic with Silvio Oddi, later created cardinal in 1969.


  11. Hello

    The fanon also is used by the Patriarch of Lisbon.

    Only the Pope and the Patriarch of Lisbon used the fanon, in the case of the Patriarch by Papal privileges.


  12. Leo

    When are you coming back!!!!
    Enjoy your site soo much.

    Take care
