Sunday, January 10, 2010

Just to remind everyone...

... that French canons are great, too:


  1. It should be in Canon Law that every day a deacon, priest, or bishop must do at least 50 push-ups and 150 sit-ups until they hit a certain age or level of incapacity. Also, it should be clearly defined that at confirmation dinners bishops are only permitted to eat chicken (baked) with a vegetable and if there is a pasta, it is never to be in a cream-based sauce.

  2. Pardon me?

    That sounds like you don't approve of overweight bishops. You are coming dangerously close to upsetting my baroque soul!

  3. What is the fur on their left in the third and apparently also the first picture?

  4. Skinny prelates don't quite fit the bill of looking happy. :P

    That aside, third French canon is in LOTS of ermine. drools
