Monday, May 30, 2011

I'm back!

You poor and dear readers probably thought I fell off the earth. Don't worry, I am still here, but I got caught up in a lot of work, so I wasn't really able to blog.

Just to clarify: Blogging will continue for as long as I can find new material. Even if you don't see any new postings for a long, long time, it doesn't mean that I stopped blogging. When I finally shut down the blog, I'll let you know early enough, so you can observe an appropriate time of mourning and maybe send me some "last minute"-pictures to post.

Why don't we start with part one of a "New photos pf Cardinal Spellman" two-part-mini-series? Most of the photos have watermarks, but they are still worth seeing.

Part two: Tomorrow!


  1. Welcome back!!!

  2. welcome Back!!!!

    Thanks for taking the time to do this.

  3. Glad to have you back...The last picture of Cardinal Spellman is one of the best I've seen of him in Cappa. It is similar to the excellent picture of His Eminence Cardinal Stritch way back on September 23rd, except that of Cardinal Stritch is in color.
