Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Concistory of 1958

There's Amleto CCardinal Cicognani, happy. Behind hi there's Julius Cardinal Döpfner, not so happy.

Front from left to right: Cardinals Tardini, Di Iorio, O'hara (?). Behind O'Hara to his right you see the later Pope Paul VI, Cardinal Montini.


  1. Montini was not a Cardinal yet. If he was he probably would have been elected in that conclave.

  2. Sorry about the above comment. This was not a conclave. It was a consistory.syrtersw

  3. I have just stumble upon this blog, this is great. I'm enjoying reading your posts and watching pictures, just keep posting.

    God bless,
    catholic from Croatia

  4. Directly below the right-hand camera stands the great Cardinal Secretary of the Holy Office, His Eminence Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani.

  5. At the very right edge of the picture I believe you can see Cardinal Lercaro. Also, is Cardinal Leger the Cardinal to the right (from our view)and behind Cardinal Montini?

    Since you typed "O'hara (?)" under the picture's caption, I'll say that is Cardinal O'Hara for sure.

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