Sunday, March 8, 2009

More canons from Spain

I found some more photos of Spanish canons which I'd like to share. Enjoy.

Mariano Liñán y Morelló, cathedral canon of Valencia. Behind his beiretta you can see the neatly folded pile of his choir dress...

... which was quite distinctive and beautiful. Apparently this is the habit of the canons of the "Crown of Aragon", a union of states and titles, which at the time of its greatest extent in the late 14th century included territories in Eastern Spain, South-Eastern France, Southern Italy as well as all the big islands in the Mediterranean See ans even a part of Greece. The "Crown of Aragon" was merged with the "Crown of Castille" in the late 15th century to create what would eventually become the Spanish Kingdom. The "Crown of Aragon" and its institutions were abolished in the early 18th century, but apparently the dress of the canons lived on in some cathedral chapters.

The cathedral canons of Sevilla

The cathedral canons of Leon

The cathedral canons of Guadix-Baza with their bishop

1 comment:

  1. Dear Leo: thank you very much for these photos. I had not heard before that information about the canons of the Crown of Aragón. Nevertheless, I think it can be true, as the canons of the Zaragoza Cathedral (Zaragoza is the capital of the Kingdom and the Crown of Aragón), according to a photo that you published, wear (or wore, I don´t know) similar habit; and the canons of the Orihuela Cathedral (this city is in the Kingdom of Valencia, which is a part of the Crown of Aragón) dressed and dress similarly. You can check it watching this beatiful photos: (some canons with the Bishop Dr. D. Pablo Barrachina y Estevan) (some canons receiving the new and current Bishop Dr. D. Rafael Palmero Ramos).
