Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ordinations to the Diaconate in Gricigliano

Already last Saturday (acc. to usus antiquior the Feast of St. Benedict, one of the Patrons of the Institute of Christ the King), Franc Cardinal Rodé, Prefect of the Congregation for the Religious, ordained six deacons in Gricigliano. Teasers here (full gallery there):


  1. Thanks, Leo, for these photos. I am very surprised, as I thought that I would not ever see a current cardinal dressing a winter cappa magna, as it was abolished in 1969 (by de Instruction "Ut Sive"). I suppose it is not proper, although I admit that I love these photos.

  2. Well, actually only the ermine was abolished in "ut sive sollicite", so if your winter cappa happens to be made of rabbit or faux-ermine, you're good.

  3. Ok, Leo, I had not thought in the argument that you support. However, a jurist would probably reply that it infringes "the spirit of the law", which I suppose it is to abolish the winter cappa magna. Nevertheless, since the Instruction is not so clair, the cappa of Cardinal Rodé could be acceptable. On another front, dear Leo, ¿have you seen the tabarro which the Cardinal wears before the lunch?

  4. Are those police escorting the Cardinal to ensure he doesn't escape with the Cappa Magna?
