Thursday, June 4, 2009

Postcard-Week: Cardinal Touchet

I don't have time to write a lot these days because I am busy studying for exams. Here are some more postcards from France, this time of Stanislas-Arthur-Xavier Cardinal Touchet, bishop of Orleans from 1894 to 1926:


  1. Why is that altar-boy on the far right of the fourth picture down wearing a stole? Great pics.

  2. I don't think he's wearing it - he's holding it in a dignified manner, probably for the Archbishop to use later. In those days, priests and bishops didn't go around wearing stoles all the time, as is now done with various albs, etc. They wore them when they were called for.

  3. Who is the even grander prelate with a train behind Touchet in #5? The nuncio?

    In 1, 2 and 6 - taken at the same time - he seems to have a wardrobe malfunction. with his lace caught up in the bullion fringe of his stole (happens to me all the time...). Wonderful vestments.

    A good and characteristic "Suisse" in the right background of #1. Lots of happy faces all round.

    Bravo, Leo. "Mgr bénissant la foule" - and your exams I hope.

  4. Thanks for the exam "blessings" ;-)

    I don't know if the important prelate in #5 is the nuncio. Wouldn't he have a cappa of watered silk?

    And, yes, the 'malfunction' also made me laugh.
