Sunday, October 11, 2009

Installation of a Bishop

Mattias Ehrenfried was bishop of the city of Würzburg/Germany from 1924 to 1948. He had to lead the diocese during the Nazi-regime. He and his clergy were fairly outspoken against their methods and ideology. As early as 1933 priests from the diocese were arrested and not a few of them died in concentration camps. He was spared himself, because he was too popular with the people. Here is a series of large-format sepia photos from the day of his installation. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. On the third photo the delegates ("Chargierte") of the Catholic students' associations (Verbindungen) are decked out in full regalia ("Vollwichs") and awaiting the new bishop. If this were in colour, you could identify the Verbindungen represented by their colours. Catholic Verbindungen still participate in such major events which, in Catholic countries include, of course, the procession on Corpus Domini.

