Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Provosts of Klosterneuburg

Stift Klosterneuburg is an Augustinian Canonry beautifully situated on a hill in the town of the same name north of Vienna/Austria. The house will soon celebrate the 900th anniversary of its foundation (1114) by Saint Leopold, margrave of Austria from 1095 to 1136. The community is still very active and draws young men from all over the world into its novitiate every year. If you are interested in the house, check out this page of the good and informative website of the Augustinian Canons.

In 1936, the 800-year commemoration of Leopold's death, the church of the Canonry was granted the status of a basilica. Ever since, the provosts were allowed to wear the cappa magna.

Here are some photos of the three prelates that made use of the cappa

Joseph Eduard Kluger

He was provost of Klosterneuburg from 1913 until 1937. He also was the abbot general of the Aufstrian Congregation from 1919 until his death.

Alipius Joseph Linda

Provost of Klosterneuburg from 1937 to 1953. Abbot General from 1946 to 1953. He led the community during the difficult years of the Second World War. He and the community were heavily abused with slander and aggression by the Nazis and eventually were thrown out of their house. Fortunately they were able to return after the war and found the canonry intact despite the fact that it had been occupied by the Russians.

Gebhard Ferdinand Koberger

Provost of Klosterneuburg from 1953 to 1995 (retired after 42 years!). Abbot General from 1954 to 1987. Abbot Primate of the Confederation from 1968 to 1974. I have these nice color photos, because provost Koberger kept on wearing the cappa after the council (as was his right) and turned down everybody who started whining about the ermine, which was forbidden after the council, that is was "just a rabbit".

This one is my favorite: Provost Koberger, fully decked out, surrounded by some of his clerics, standing in front of the beautiful high altar of the basilica, carrying the head of Saint Leopold (relic is kept in the treasury of the monastery) on a cushion.


  1. where they raised to the ranks of bishops?

    some of them have the purple biretta..

    any help?

  2. No, the purple biretta is one of the many privileges they have, like the fascia of purple watered silk.
