Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cardinal Rampolla

Nice old photo of Mariano Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro


  1. Leo:
    Are you sure that this is Cardinal Rampolla?
    For one, it doesn't look like him. Also, the only writing I can make out refers to a Cardinal Archbishop - which Rampolla never was, as he was never a territorial Archbishop. Just wondering. Maybe you are testing your loyal readers!

  2. The Portugese page where I found the photo said it is Cardinal Rampolla. I also think that he actually does look like him, especially the lips. And maybe they were just being gentle and added the "archbishop" because of Rampola's titular see Eraclea.

  3. Not Rampolla, but Cavalcanti of Rio de Janeiro, of which place he was archbishop from 1897 - 1930.

  4. Yes, he looks like the first brazilian cardinal, Joaquim Arcoverde de Albuquerque Cardeal Cavalcanti.

    The writing I can make out is in portuguese; "Cardeal Arcebispo".

  5. I just looked up some other photos of Cardinal Arcoverde and it does seem to be him. Good job, guys!

  6. Sem dúvida, Cardeal Joaquim Arcoverde de Albuquerque Cavalcante, primeiro Cardeal Latino-Americano, Arcebispo de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro.
