Sunday, June 5, 2011

Amleto Cardinal Cicognani

I think that's archbishop Rummel second from right


  1. It is Archbishop Rummel and his Auxiliary in New Orleans, Bishop L.
    Abel Caillouette to his left.

  2. Are these photos from before 1958 from when he was Apostolic delegate to the US? I am noticing the watered silk biretta with pom-pom which of course could not be scarlet.

  3. He was not a cardinal when he was Apostolic Delegate. That came when he was brought back to Rome to eventually become John XX111 Secretary of State. I also think the bishop second from left is Bishop Maurice Schexneidre (spelling?) of Lafayette,La.
    Rumor: Rummel was on the Terna for New York, but it went to Spellman due to his reputation and long friendship with Pius X11.
    Spellman had wanted to stay as Auxiliary in Boston to succeed Archbishop O'Connell. That post eventually went to Richard Cushing.

  4. Last comment was from anonymous

  5. Actually Archbishop McNicholas, OP of Cincinnati had already been chosen for NY by Pius XI. When the pope died without having published the appointment it was suspended and after Pacelli was elected Pope Pius XII Spellman went to his good friend and pleaded to be given NY. He hated O'Connell and couldn't wait to get out from under him.

  6. hello,
    I would like to ask the blogger if you have any pictures of patterns or any picture that in sewing a cappa magna. We plan to make and give one to our bishop (because he does not have one). Dooes the blogger or any reader know where we could buy cappa magna online? THank you

  7. Fr.Selvester, Thanks for the correction/update. I had read that Spellman hated O'Connell, but thought he wanted to wait him out and take Boston.
    FR. Where is your blog...I can't find it?

  8. Again with the "anonymous" it's dumb to know how to send these messages

  9. @ Kim: Sorry, but I don't have any such patterns. Maybe if you write to Gammarelli in Rome they can help you.

  10. Great photo...that is Archbishop Rummel and the photo was taken in the Archepiscopal residence in New Orleans...not sure of the occasion though.

    btw...I had the privilege to be confirmed by Bishop Caillouet(RIP)!
