Monday, February 22, 2010

Canons from England

Thanks to Fr. Selvester, who pointed out to me that English canons have some intersting habits. Here are examples:





  1. Just to clarify, those are not all Canons of Westminster. The ones in the white fur are (though sadly the canon's dress was abolished about two years ago). The one's in the dark fur are Chaplains of the Cathedral.

  2. Oops! My bad! Thanks for clarifying!

  3. Indeed, but the chaplains wear the fur mozettas because, as chaplains, they are considered MINOR CANONS of the cathedral. I once inquired when I was there and was told that by the Sub-Administrator.

  4. Would "minor canon" be what is normally called beneficiatus or praebendarius?

  5. It's interesting that bishops (and cardinals) are expressly forbidden certain accouterments of dress that are still worn by canons.

  6. The Cannons of Westminster do wear Mozettas. However, they only wear the summer version (silk) not the Fur Winter version.

    The Fur WInter Versions of the Mozetta for cannons are somewhere within the cathedral hidden away. Its just out of choice that they wear the summer version all year round... Its not abolished and i think if there were an interest in wearing the winter version during the winter they probably would wear them...
