Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Photos from Belgium

Reader Carl from Belgium - one of the most loyal sender-inners - mailed me some great photos of bishops, canons and manlace.

Cardinal van Roey

Cardinal van Roey

Bishop Coppieters

Bishop Coppieters

Bishop Stillemans

Canon van Necke

Canon Dekeyzer

Canon de Haerne

Canon Nachtergaele

Canon von Necke

Canons during the funeral of Cardinal Mercier

Canons in procession

Unidentified canon

Unidentified canon

Unidentified canon

Unidentified canon

Canons with Queen Elisabeth in 1935

This looks like a French canon.

Lace close-up

Thanks for the photos, Carl, also in the name of all "Far Sight" readers!

1 comment:

  1. What a charming Gothic Revival mitre Cardinal Von Roey is wearing in the first picture! How gladdening.
