See you again in three weeks!
God Bless!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Weird cappa alert!
Cardinal Rampolla
Mariano Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro (1843-1913) was titular archbishop of Eraclea (consecrated by Cardinal Howard in 1882) and nuncio to Spain from 1882 to 1887, before he received the red hat in 1887 with the title of S. Cecilia in Trastevere. He was Cardinal Secretary of State from 1887 to 1903, President of the Pontifical Biblical Commission from 1902 to 1908 and Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archives from 1912 until his death.
This is an official portrait on which he looks like a person with which you'd rather not have any grave misunderstanding.
This portrait photo is notable for its solemn mood and what could possibly be the shiniest silk-fascia ever to be photographed.
Cardinal Rampolla is buried in S. Cecilia in Trastevere. His tomb is absolutely stunning, as you can see.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Three more photos...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Ordinations to the Diaconate in Gricigliano
Already last Saturday (acc. to usus antiquior the Feast of St. Benedict, one of the Patrons of the Institute of Christ the King), Franc Cardinal Rodé, Prefect of the Congregation for the Religious, ordained six deacons in Gricigliano. Teasers here (full gallery there):

John XIII...
First Reactions
A couple of day ago I asked readers to send in photos of cardinals lying in state, because Eman was curious to see some. Fr. Selvester was the fastest and found some interesting pictures on the internet:
Cardinal Heenan
Cardinal Griffin
Cardinal Veuillot
Cardinal Spellman
Cardinal Stritch
More to come...
[Thanks to Fr. Selvester for the contribution!]

More to come...
[Thanks to Fr. Selvester for the contribution!]
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Kickin' it
The pilgrimage chapel "Maria zum Berge Karmel" in Meersburg-Baitenhausen, Germany is a little Rococo jewel. It was finished in the second half of the 18th century under the prince-bishop of Konstanz, Franz Conrad Cardinal von Rodt. The ceiling of the crossing between nave and transept has a fascinating fresco, showing the adoration veneration of Mary by bishop and people. The cardinal is kneeling, surrounded by his clergy, and from his mouth come the words "Erhöre das Gebett deines Volcks" ("Hear the prayer of your people"). Mind you, this is 18th century German, so if you are studying the language right now, don't take this as an example!
Here are photos of the scene:
Close up
Two steps back
The whole scene
Here are photos of the scene:

When prelates die...
Reader Eman asked, if I had any photos of bishops or cardinals lying in state. I must admit that I don't have any in my collection right now but I am diligently combing through the internet to find some.
This would be a good opportunity to ask readers who should happen to have said photos to produce a scan and fork'em over, so I can post them (for Eman and everybody else who'd like to see them (me included)).
What I did find was a photo from the funeral of a cardinal in Belgium. It was taken in Malines and while the caption didn't give any name it said "before 1909", so I figure the prelate in question is Pierre-Lambert Cardinal Goosens who was archbishop of Mecheln from 1884 to 1906 and was creted a cardinal in 1889.
This would be a good opportunity to ask readers who should happen to have said photos to produce a scan and fork'em over, so I can post them (for Eman and everybody else who'd like to see them (me included)).
What I did find was a photo from the funeral of a cardinal in Belgium. It was taken in Malines and while the caption didn't give any name it said "before 1909", so I figure the prelate in question is Pierre-Lambert Cardinal Goosens who was archbishop of Mecheln from 1884 to 1906 and was creted a cardinal in 1889.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Patriarchs of Lisbon...
... had a bucket full of privileges. I often read about them but never saw any photos where you could actually see them. I finally found some pictures. Enjoy!
The first five photos show António Cardinal Mendes Belo, Patriarch of Lisbon from 1907 to 1929. Here you can see that the Patriarchs did not only have a very nice canopy (which of course is not a special privilege) but also flabella and a falda:

On the next two photos you can see Manuel Cardinal Gonçalves Cerejeira, successor of Cardinal Belo, Patriarch of Lisbon from 1929 to 1971. You can see the flabella and the fanon again and also the patriarchal miter which was designed to look like a tiara. The Patriarch of Lisbon had the privilege to wear the tiara but - maybe out of respect for the Pope - apparently never actually wore one but only miters that - at least from far away - looked a bit like tiaras:

On the last three photos (Cardinal Belo again) you don't see any privilege, but one just doesn't pass up pictures of prelates and their carriages:

The first five photos show António Cardinal Mendes Belo, Patriarch of Lisbon from 1907 to 1929. Here you can see that the Patriarchs did not only have a very nice canopy (which of course is not a special privilege) but also flabella and a falda:

On the next two photos you can see Manuel Cardinal Gonçalves Cerejeira, successor of Cardinal Belo, Patriarch of Lisbon from 1929 to 1971. You can see the flabella and the fanon again and also the patriarchal miter which was designed to look like a tiara. The Patriarch of Lisbon had the privilege to wear the tiara but - maybe out of respect for the Pope - apparently never actually wore one but only miters that - at least from far away - looked a bit like tiaras:

On the last three photos (Cardinal Belo again) you don't see any privilege, but one just doesn't pass up pictures of prelates and their carriages:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
French canons
There has been a real lot of photos showing Spanish canons on this blog. To balance that a bit, here are some canons from France with their quite distinctive mozzettas:
Clément-Emile Cardinal Roques, Archbishop of Rennes from 1940 until 1964, with one of the Rennes Cathedral canons
Bishop Lobbedey of Arras with canons
Canon Jussiaume of Nantes
Bishop Villeprellet of Nantes with the canons Guiho and Crepel
Canon Théophile Guénard
And a little cappa-canon, too: Leon Maurin of Aix-en-Provence
The caption of this photo just said "St. Vaast, Bethune", which is in France. But I wasn't able to find out to which diocese it belongs, so I am not sure about the picture.

Monday, March 16, 2009
Found in the LIFE-collection

These two photos show Cardinal Wyszyński with a canon who wears a somewhat distinctive cappa. It looks like the train is held together by red bows towards the end and then carried across the arm in some kind of loop. The color reminds me of the cappa of the canons from Krakow but their train doesn't have those strange red bows (or does it and I just failed to recognize it?), so I am kind of puzzled here.
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