Even 50 years after his death, the name of this great Pope is still slandered by liberal and leftist revisionist historians. Kicked off by Hochhuth's "Deputy" and kept alive by questionable works like Costas Grava's film "Amen" (based on Hochhuth's play) or Goldhagen's "A moral reckoning" (a slapstick piece with about as many historical errors as pages), the anti-Pacelli-industry has grown into a dirty yet profitable cesspool. As long as the name of Pius XII is not completely washed clean, people will continue to jump the train with lousy pseudo-historical tracts for the quick buck. And because people will jump the train, the name of the pope will never be completely washed clean. It is a vicious circle. I therefore hope that the process for the beatification of Pius XII will pick up momentum. Not because this will shut up the voices of opposition (or at least make them intelligent or bearable) but because it will strengthen the good people who would know even without ever reading a book that Pius XII was not a anti-semite and did a great deal to help the Jews in Rome. The voices of gratitude and praise right after WWII are all the evidence you need. All the vile slander issued after the Pope's death is the silly attempt of the Soviets to destroy the moral autthority of the Catholic Church, this time using somebody who cant fight back (because, as we know, the first attempt with Cardinal Mindszenty backfired big time).
Read this article in the National Review Online to have your eyes opened about the nature of the libellious re-evaluation of Pacelli's role in history.
In some of what I have read, Hockhuth is said to have been a Communist. Why is that not brought out more? Hockhuth, whether dead or alive, should be called what he is or was. The defenders of Pope Pius XII should not be afraid to state this.
Confermo. E anche in Italia, il paese cattolico per eccellenza, le cose non sono poi così diverse.
Based on the post and the comments, some of you might be interested in this - commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pope Pius XII:
PXII is one of my favs. Fabulous photos.
Viva Pius XII! The greatest pope of the 20th Century.
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